What is the location of Albion?

Albion is in Western New York, Orleans County on the NYS Erie Barge Canal and in the center of a rich farming region. Albion is 30 miles west of Rochester, 50 miles east of Buffalo, 20 miles North of Batavia and 12 miles South of Lake Ontario.

What is the population of the Village of Albion?

Census 2000 listed the Village of Albion’s population at 5,992.

What is the Demographic Summary within a 15 mile radius of the Village of Albion?

Demographic Summary – 2000 Estimates: Population – 80,672 Median Age – 33.8 Households – 27,952 Average HH Income – $44,715 Median HH Income – 42,797 Per Capita Income – 15,526 Total Housing Units – 30,307 Owner Occupied – 20,801 Renter Occupied – 7,151 Vacant – 2,355.

What services are available to Village residents?

The Village owns and operates their own Water Treatment Plant (which also services five Townships), Pollution Control Facility and Police Department. Village has an all volunteer Fire Department (which also services two townships). There is an independent paid and volunteer ambulance Service (COVA).