Legal Notice

PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Village of Albion Board of Trustees will conduct a Public Hearing at 6:00PM on Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at the Village of Albion Board Room 35 East Bank St. Albion, NY, to consider amending the Code of the Village of Albion, CHAPTER 59 Parks and Recreation in the Village of Albion.  A copy of the proposed changes are available in the Village Clerks Office Mon-Fri 8:00AM- 4:00PM.  Any person interested in this matter is invited to attend the June 22, 2022 meeting of the Village Board of Trustees to speak in favor or opposition of said amendment.

June 7, 2022
Tracy A. VanSkiver
Clerk- Treasurer
Village of Albion

Alternate Needed

Are you a Village resident looking to make a difference in the Community? The Village of Albion is looking for an alternate for the Historic Preservation Committee, the Planning Board, and the Zoning Board.  If you are interested, please call the Village Office at (585)589-9176 ext 104.

Thank you
Tracy A. VanSkiver
Village of Albion

Legal Notice

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Village of Albion Board of Trustees will hold a SPECIAL MEETING on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 at 6 PM, at the Village Hall located at 35 East Bank Street, Albion NY 14411 for Village business.

June 3, 2022
Tracy A VanSkiver
Village of Albion